

Sylvie Guilbert | Canada Industrial Relations Board
(800) 575-9696

Term ends: July 2025

The President serves a one-year term immediately following a year of service as the President-Elect of the Association, appoints all committees, and leads and sets the agenda for board meetings and the annual meeting of the Association.


Roxanne Rothschild | National Labor Relations Board
Term ends: July 2025

The President-Elect is elected to a one-year term, chairs the Policy and Constitution Committee, prepares a financial plan with the Vice President-Finance, and performs duties of the President in the President's absence.

Immediate Past President

Eileen Hennessey | National Mediation Board
  (202) 692-5040
Term ends: July 2025

The Immediate Past President serves a one-year term immediately following a year of service as the President of the Association and like all officers, is a member of the Executive Board.

Vice President: Administration

Travis Kearns | Ontario Labour Relations Board
    (647) 236-7574
Term ends: July 2026

The Vice President-Administration is elected to a two-year term, keeps minutes of association and executive board meetings, chairs the Publications and Communications Committee, maintains all association records, prepares association correspondence, and coordinates publication of the ALRA Advisor.

Vice President: Finance

Sarah Coleman | New York State Public Employment Relations Board
  (518) 457-2578
Term ends: July 2025

The Vice President-Finance is elected to a two-year term, receives revenues, pays bills, invests assets, chairs the Membership Committee, and maintains association financial records.

Vice President: Professional Development

Jean- Daniel Tardif | Canada Industrial Relations Board
   (514) 293-8589
Term ends: July 2026

The Vice President-Professional Development is elected to a two-year term, chairs the Professional Development Committee, receives training grant requests, coordinates ALRAcademy, oversees development of conference training programs, and maintains a listing of available training materials.